Monday, September 14, 2009

Does Minoxidil Treat Hair Loss?

There have been many studies done on the actual effectiveness of products containing 5% Minoxidil. Hair regrowth formulas with this chemical makeup are shown to regrow hair but it may take some time.

Also once you start using this product and begin to see results, you will have to continue its use for quite a while if you want your new hair regrowth to remain. It is not a hair loss treatment that is permanent. It requires a constant application by the user to continue to regrow hair.

Treatment should remain even after you notice new hair gain because while you are growing new hair, you will also be continuing to loss your old hair in some cases.
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1 comment:

  1. Nice article sharing and provide a best information for hair treatment. Thanks for share.
    Womens Minoxidil
